The current fundamental theory of physics provides a lot of correct predictions. However, it is far from
being a complete theory, and it has been a long time (roughly 50 years) that the theory is not advancing
towards a complete solution. Some of the problems are listed below:
The theory lacks an ontology. If the reason for scientific investigation of the world is the desire to know
how things work, and what is really happening, the physics theories with all their success do not provide
an answer. Especially, when we deal with Quantum Mechanics, or even Quantum Field Theory (QFT), it is
quite a disappointing to realize that there is no clear description of what is happening. All we get is
a prediction like "if you prepare an experiment with so-and-so conditions, then the probability of each outcome
is such and such". The is no story accompanying the experiment, telling us which real objects have participated
in the experiment and what really went on during the process. There is not even a clear description of the
reality of the involved objects.
The two main parts of the theory - General Relativity and Quantum Fields - do not mix well, and we don't have a
reasonable idea how to merge them.
The theory includes various types of singularity. These cause infinities and the usual way to deal with these problems
is to "sweep them under the rug". For infinities in the center of black hole, we usually say "our theory
handles everything except this point, we'll get there sometime". For infinities in particle physics we
use mathematical tricks, that enables us to extract predictions
for scattering processes, ignoring the need for a rigorous justification.
What we promise ?
We will describe a different view of the world around us, and this view may be considered as a new fundamental
physical theory.
The new theory is complete, realistic, absolute, causal, local, deterministic, logical, regular, and it is simple.
What's not to like? 🙂
Complete - The new theory fully describes every aspect of fundamental physics. Specifically it
offers a unified theory, seamlessly handling both gravitation and the quantum region.
Realistic - The new theory explains the various objects and processes and not merely give
probabilities to observations.
Absolute - The new theory offers a description that does not depend on the observer. There is
an absolute reality, absolute time, absolute space. While each observer may see a distorted version
of the actual reality, there is still such single objective reality.
Causal - TBD
Local - The new theory is a local theory. There is no action at a distance, only action by direct contact.
Deterministic - Determinism means that if you have all the information about the world at a certain time,
you can use a theory to accurately calculate how the world will look in the future. it might be that there
is no way to have the current full information, but the point is that the future can be calculated from the present.
The current theory is far from being deterministic. It is probabilistic in nature. This means that even
if you somehow know the full description of the present, the theory can only offer probability for each
future configuration. The theory suggested here allows the full calculation of the future, while I do
admit that I don't think we could be in a situation where we could gather all the information at a certain time.
Still the theory is deterministic.
Logical - tbd
Regular - The description that the new theory gives come in the form of mathematical functions that
are well-behaved all over. No singularity can be found. Specifically, I will describe black holes, big bangs,
and subatomic particles using non-singular mathematical functions.
Simple - tbd