Cosmology – beyond Einstein’s gravity
So, can fluid dynamics reconstruct Einstein’s equation? The answer is more or less.
There are some differences that actually allow us to introduce concepts like the cosmological constant,
dark energy, and dark matter in a way that is derived from the postulate rather than add them as ad hoc phenomena.
We can also analyze the structure of large cosmological objects like black holes,
Neutron stars, and pulsars and suggest a complete, logical, non-singular solution.
Black holes (the real physical ones)
Strong gravity can confine light. This was suggested by the Schwarzschild metric.
We find strongly gravitating objects in our universe, and they do confine light.
The Schwarzschild mathematical solution contains a singularity at the center.
In our new framework a black hole system is constructed just light a huge electron.
It has a torus envelope of light that is so energetic as to create an event horizon at some outer radius.
But if so, how can light be stable when it is located inside a sphere having
an ether speed larger that the speed of light at its border?
This is only possible if the radial drift speed at the location of the light torus is smaller than the speed of light.
The only way we can achieve this is if the flow is warped into a vortex of extremely high angular speed
(like 100 times the speed of light), while a reasonable radial speed (half the speed of light).
The flow near the torus light core bends to align with the radial direction as we go further away from the core.
There is no singularity anywhere, neither of ether speed nor of light energy, just high finite values.
This, of course, means that pure Schwarzschild black holes (zero angular momentum) are not realistic.
There exist only black holes that follow the Kerr metric of an energetic object with high angular momentum.
Since black hole systems that do not carry enough angular momentum are not stable,
there is a way to terminate black holes. If we throw enough matter with opposite angular momentum,
the black hole will eventually explode.
Sadly, real black holes are not gates to other worlds, there are no wormholes.
If you fall into a black hole, your particles will accelerate into the light torus,
then break and spill all their energy (the light of the particles) into the torus core.
The internal processes between the particles that make you will cease to happen. You will cease to exist.
No wormholes? Does that necessarily mean that we will never be able to make a space travel to intergalactic
distances and come back before our twin brother is dead? Well, there is still a way to do that, see more below.
Here, \( U_r \) is the inwards radial ether speed, and \( M \) is the mass or the gravitating particle
(connected to the rate of eating up ether) and \( K \) is some constant.
Big Bangs
Let’s assume that our universe starts as a finite sphere filled with ether.
Now we add has a black hole in the middle. The black hole eats the ether around constantly.
We expect that the black hole itself is kept stable and increasing in energy, due to ether incoming motion.
However, if ether runs out (actually long before that), there is nothing to keep the light trapped,
and the whole entity explodes in a bang – a big bang.
Our universe has experienced such a big bang in it past. However, it is not the story of space time;
it is a story within space time. Alongside our universe, there could be many ether clouds,
and each could compress and explode many times.
There is a clear mechanism for that and it is working without any singularity.
It is worthwhile noting that a big bang starts from an object with a lot of angular momentum.
Such non-zero momentum, in a preferred direction could be a symmetry breaking factor.
This could explain a lot of other non-symmetric features of the universe (like baryon anti-baryon difference)
When the time comes for a big bang to explode, the process starts with a first short stage where it just inflates.
This means that the torus loses grip and the small radius increases.
During that period, the surface for the torus stretches quickly while retaining
the vibration modes of the earlier stable torus. The inflation is a much more regular process than the explosion.
So the object stretches gradually in a uniform manner, and its parameters (density, energy)
are kept uniform everywhere, as they have enough time to reach equilibrium.
This is not possible when the real explosion starts.
The reason that today we see such a uniform universe is due to that fact.
As expected for a black ring, the event horizon becomes nearly spherical only if the system is heavy enough,
and the event horizon radius is large compared with the torus size. During the process of gathering the heavy stuff,
the system will go through a state where the event horizon is donut shaped, so it can still emit light through its Z axis.
Such systems can be found in real space and are called pulsars.
Dark matter
Over time, physicists found some cosmological phenomena that challenged the calculations of the known theory of gravity.
Some suggested that this is due to a type of matter that does not interact with light, but it does gravitate.
It was named Dark Matter.
I suggest taking another look at the cosmos, keeping in mind the new theory that sees gravitation as a result of ether flow.
With this view in mind, it is possible to reinterpret the cosmic observations.
Professor Sean Carroll once complained that people often suggest new theories to explain the observations that
suggest existence of dark matter, but without any dark matter.
He said that after hearing the new suggestion, he usually realizes that the new theory just introduced something else,
which is new, so they just replaces dark matter with a new “dark matter”.
Well, here we go with another explanation. We already introduced ether as a new element of reality.
However, ether is not gravitating, only matter gravitates.
Stars rotation speed
We start be explaining rotation speed of starts around the galaxy center. It was observed that stars
(at some distance from the galaxy center) move around the galaxy center faster than expected by the calculations
that are taking the central gravitating mass of all the observed internal stars.
The dark matter explanation attributes this to additional matter in the center of the galaxy that we don’t see.
This matter is described as not interacting with light (hence the name Dark) or other fields, but it does gravitate.
Our explanation is completely different. Start with a situation without stars,
but with ether flow which is circular and has a donut shape.
There is ether all around space, but the one inside the donut is flowing along the bit circle of that torus.
Never mind how we got to this, it is still our start state.
Now let’s put some stars with no motion momentum in the donut.
The stars will drift with the ether and display a circular motion.
We recognize a circular motion with a central force, so we will assume a gravitating, but unseen, entity at the center.
So let’s add stars (ordinary seen matter) in the middle.
In order for the rotating stars not to fall in, we will increase their speed, until it balances the central force from the starts in the middle.
So now we have stars ant the center of the galaxy pulling in starts at the perimeter,
but the central force (central acceleration) is responsible to only part of the speed of the rotating stars.
They seem to be moving faster because they are immersed in flowing ether.
Why would the ether that exists in a rotating galaxy also have some rotation motion?
We could accept ether flow going inwards due to gravitation, but why rotate?
I believe that this quite expected, as stars assembled into the galaxy bringing their angular momentum with them,
the results was a rotating galaxy. Ether just did the same, following the assembled stars (by gravitation),
and receiving some of their angular momentum. The result is that some of the angular momentum of the
galaxy is held in the matter and some in the ether. In reality, all rotating galaxies will show some ether rotation,
therefore will give the impression of dark matter.
Galaxies cluster’s gravitational lensing
– To be completed
Galaxies collision
– To be completed
Experiments to reveal ether speed
– To be completed
Dark energy / Cosmological constant / Hubble constant
– To be completed
Dark flow
– To be completed
Mach’s principle
In our theory there is a trivial solution to the deep issues around Mach’s principle regarding an absolute rotation frame.
We propose that the local ether flow determines the local absolute rest frame.
If ether has some local rotation (a situation that occurs in most galaxies) then the absolute reference frame
is rotating (relative to absolute space time) and all rotations of matter are relative to this rotating frame.
This is simple, logical and consistent. Also it clearly shows the mechanism.
Gravitation waves
It is plausible that the ether as a compressible fluid will experience pressure waves coming out of strong gravitation phenomena.
In principle every motion of matter caused waves in the ether, but the stronger the motion and the heavier the mass,
then we get stronger waves. These are not ripples in the fabric of space time (space time is absolute and unchanged),
this is pressure waves in a physical object called ether.
Intergalactic travel – building a cosmological speedway
Einstein’s theory allows as visiting places that are millions of light year away.
It will indeed take millions of years, but if we move fast enough, we could slow our personal time passage.
There is of course the slight problem with the need for enormous energy, but that’s a technicality.
However, the loved ones that we leave behind, do age at a normal rate, so if we decide to come back,
we will discover that they have died long ago.
There is another option that allows going far away and getting back while not much time has passed.
This is the intergalactic speed way, and we may be able to build one.
This would be a flow of ether going from our location towards our destination (there is another flow going in the opposite direction).
The speed of the ether is high, like a million of light years in a week. We could then climb on this current of ether,
spend a week there and get off. We did not slow our aging pace, so it felt like a week has passed for us and the ones we left behind.
We then return using the opposite current. We then find that only two weeks have passed (for both twins, so to speak)
while we have definitely visited the far away galaxy.